Episode 14 - Question Time #2 (second w. BA!)


This was recorded on Sunday, March 29th, 2020 - Deleted - then rerecorded on Wednesday April 15th. Beth Ann Joins me again for some questions from friends and family and fans and strangers. Love you so very much. - Tom. Produced by Beth Ann Downey and Andy Clarke

Listen or watch below! On iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

A YO! Someone you’d like to see as a guest on the podcast? Hit me up on social media or fire an email over to Tom@futurefriday.net

Intro song by Pat Brier, you can check out Queen Jesus here!

Biggest thanks to Beth Ann Downey for helping me figure out how to get this here thing going. If you’d like to get in touch you can email me or bother Scott Bell or Jesus or Danielle which is how it will probably go down.