Episode 24 - Kayleigh Goldsworthy (Musician/Songwriter, The Kayleigh G. Show)

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This was recorded on Sunday January 24th around 1pm.

Today I talk with the musical wunderkind Kayleigh Goldsworthy Kayleigh is an extremely talented musician and songwriter. She has a prolific and storied solo career, and has also toured and recorded with many artists including The Menzingers (rippin violins on From Exile).

She hosts The Kayleigh G Show on twitch and co-hosts Friends with Benedicts

Listen or watch below! On iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

A YO! Someone you’d like to see as a guest on the podcast? Hit me up on social media or fire an email over to Tom@futurefriday.net

Intro song by Pat Brier, you can check out Queen Jesus here!

Produced by Beth Ann Downey. Created using DESCRIPT.

If you’d like to get in touch you can email me or bother Scott Bell or Jesus or Danielle which is how it will probably go down.