Episode 22 - JOE GODINO (The Menzingers, NEW YEAR!)

Udder insanity

Udder insanity

This was recorded on Friday January 8th, 2021 round 15:00

Episode 22 - Joe Godino!!!!

Joe is my best friend and the drummer of The Menzingers. Besides being one of the most creative people I have ever met Joe is also an inspiration of healing and self improvement, an avid meditator, hilarious, and a regular devil in the best way.

In this episode we talk about plans for the year, predictions, dry January, the band’s Patreon, Lexus commercials, forgiving yourself, and our newfound loves of videography and photography.

If you’d like to reach Joe you’ll have to contact me first Tom@Futurefriday.net and we will deem if you are worthy of such an honor.

********EPISODE NOTE I talked some shit on alcohol sales and our shows and it turns out I am most likely wrong, and probably just projecting my own insecure vulnerability out into the world in, manifested as cynical shit talking. But without that would we have punk rock?

Olive Juice.

Listen or watch below! On iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

A YO! Someone you’d like to see as a guest on the podcast? Hit me up on social media or fire an email over to Tom@futurefriday.net

Intro song by Pat Brier, you can check out Queen Jesus here!

Produced by Beth Ann Downey

If you’d like to get in touch you can email me or bother Scott Bell or Jesus or Danielle which is how it will probably go down.